Sketchbook number 2!

Video time! Here's the other sketchbook I'm using at the moment. This ones the neater of the 2 and gradually filling up with patterns and portraits. I prime the pages with blocks of acrylic colour and then draw on them with paint pens. I probably don't need to prime the pages in this one but I find the ink from the pens causes the pages to fall apart in most of my sketchbooks so this is a tactical way around it. It uses up excess paint I've accidentally mixed for other projects too which is an added bonus. Not to mention the obvious block colour background helps make the colours pop. So there's 3 good reasons! It's definitely work in progress.

COMIC time

Hello lovely humans!  

'Want to know a fun* fact about me? (*Debatable) I'm a diary keeper. It's nothing fancy and most definitely not a number one best seller but I started writing a few things down last October and I've managed to keep it up to this day - which is less than a year so it's not saying much! But it speaks volumes to me, ha! It started out as one of those 'line a day' journals and now it's turning into a 'line and a bit a day' journal. I try to pick out little moments in the day that either made me laugh, cry, think, pause or simply pat myself on the back. Some of the entries can literally be as dull as 'I hung up the washing', but sometimes that's exactly the kind of action that needs to be recognised because not every day can fill you with that sense of accomplishment. And also I figured in years to come (possibly) it might be actually quite interesting to look back and read about all those little moments...

ANYWAY! I thought it'd be fun to try and put a few of these little memories into pictures - I've always wanted to have a go at scribbling down some little autobiographical comics and thought what better place to begin. Who knows it might be a new little side project that takes off, no pressure, but for now it's refreshing to try something completely new. 
