Greek pots!

I've recently found myself stuck in another one of those creative ruts, they're horribly unpredictable and you just feel like you're endlessly drawing the same thing terribly over and over again. So I reached out on instagram for suggestions of new things to draw - thank you so much for such an amazing response and mixture of ideas! You've inspired me to keep a small list in reach so if ever the creative rut monster comes calling I have something to distract me from it, perfect!

One of the suggestions over the weekend was to draw "Pottery" and instantly those beautiful ancient greek pots sprang to mind. I want to do a whole series of them! Whether or not I will is another matter entirely, but it's good to find something new to draw. Anyway, I couldn't resist turning this one into a print and she's now up for grabs in the shop. The colours are beautiful and she seems so calm. It's making me impatient for summer. I have to admit it's probably one of the first prints I've made in ages which I'd quite happily have on the wall at home - is that weird? Do you guys have a lot of your work up at home? I have a lot of paintings up but I'm not fond of seeing them. I'm planning on taking a lot of them down when I get back into decorating bits of the house this summer. We shall see...
